I believe it’s the little experiences we encounter daily that complete the big picture of life. You will see that I do this in my Photozaics. When looking at my art don’t see as broken pieces but look at the complete picture and it will captivate you as Mother Nature does for me. I start with a photograph; this will include a planned or a spur of the moment trip. I go out with an open mind allowing Mother Nature to show me what she wants to be captured. I decide which image will be made in a photozaic. I color match the stained glass to my image; hand-cut and tumble. Hand cutting the glass is time-consuming in a rhythmic way allowing me to zone out and only focus on my art. I create photozaics; (I start with my photograph and complete in mosaic). My art engages your curiosity wanting to know what lies beyond the frame. Each work of art is unique and has its personality.